Follow-up Review One Year Later
Podcast: Practical and Tactical Shooting and Hunting with Guest Clayton Hergert
ATX Precision and Ben Roethlisberger on Gridiron Outdoors
ATX Precision on Gridiron Outdoors This week on #GridironOutdoors, we’re back in central Texas with ATX Precision & Carbine honing our long range skills…Catch this episode SUN @ 6:30 & 11pm EST, only on the Outdoor Channel Posted by Gridiron Outdoors with Mike Pawlawski on Friday, April 7, 2017
Class Review: ATX Precision Precision Rifle 1
A more in-depth look at the functionality of our sling set up. Send us your questions and comments, we’d love to hear from you.
Check out this short video on a simple way to sling your rifle – no expensive gear needed! Gear- The Simple Sling